The Bronze Knight

Sproutfleck VA collection & Information Hub


Verdant Green Hues watch you from the shadows. Untold stories lie within the mind of their owner, secrets from the past of which nobody dares to mention. Tales of triumph and glory, tales of downfa.l and shame. Press the button to begin.


The Owner of the green eyes reveals himself. A Spotted feline, muscular and bobtailed. He motions toward a log behind you. Atop said log lies a storybook, as old as time. You flip through the pages. Each page reveals a story, but some are blank. The next chapter of his life is yet to begin. Which story do you seek?


With a nod, your companion rises from the log where the two of you had sat. A wave goodbye, a snatch of the book, and he was gone, never to be seen again.

Following 14 moon Old Sproutfleck, The Glow represents his grief and terror after the execution of his closest friend.Creatures are waiting,
Anticipating, Eyes Emitting a Glow
Grinning up at the Show, Awaiting
Everyone to come Home.
Soft Yet Melodically smooth whistles emit from the starry sky, and the musical silence may not be compared to those of a a music box. For notes of music box are nothing like the twinkling hum of pale gleaming stars, as the silent sparkling is thoughtlessly beautiful. A music box’s silvery keys are formed through thoughts in one’s creative mind. Winding up a music box, a soft clicking can be heard, gears and strings tightening as it prepares to tick out notes, a sly mirage disguising the cluck of a mechanical tongue as music. Click. Click. Click.
Creatures are stirring,
Anxiously Spurring, eyes Emitting a glow
Grinning up at the show
Awaiting everyone to come Home
The emerald green seas have released their floodgates. The center void of the hues, like an island, has been flooded. Released tensions like a music box’s strings. Like an ended melody, the tension has been released. With effort, the floodgates are closed once again, yet soft trickling of saltwater remains. The Quartz-Colored gates aren’t strong enough. Not always. Repairs aren’t required, for the lake’s water has been drained. Void islands and emerald seas blocked off, invisible behind the gates. The stars’ silent tune lulls the darkness below the surface. Peaceful dreams are swept past, revealing only the churning, frantic current. But soon the shining gleam of the sun will return, and the drained salt of the seas will return their visibility once again.

Following 16 moon Old Sproutfleck, The Pride within demonstrates him pulling through grief and his coping mechanism, knowing it was unhealthy and must be stopped.Wonder. Floating atop a fluffy cloud, atop what was loved by someone lost to time. If only he were a cloud, floating by effortlessly, serenity surrounding him like a blanket. Sunshine upon his back, massive fog like paws running in the baby blue sky. Clouds never feel alone or worthless. Clouds don't become obsessed. Obsessed with a hobby of someone not here, of someone dead. He shouldn't be. He should ignore the clouds, ignore the pain, ignore it all. But then why is it so hard? Rounded ears flick away a curiously buzzing bee. If he was a bee, he wouldn't live very long. A particularly deft and Fearless spider would catch him within its web. That was how he felt. Strangled, uptight. Clouds made him feel that way sometimes. Then why did he stare at them? Why did he watch their fluffy white forms drifting with curious mossy hues? Turning, he forced his eyes away from the sky's mist, a small growl rumbling in his throat deeply. Primitively.It hurt the pride within him to watch those clouds, it broke him down and shattered him until he felt meaningless. The desire to be a cloud was strong. But he knew it was impossible. He should stop wishing. Ignore the feeling. With one last look, he let out a huff of disapproval. He couldn't do this anymore. Where was his honor? His pleasure? His joy? Down. Away. Like the bee. Smashed beneath his forepaw. The sting almost felt pleasant. A drag back to reality. Turning back toward camp, he gripped his pride like a child with a toy, afraid of losing that, too. Like he'd lost Finchkick. Like he's lost his soul. Sold it to his friend. But it was time to regain it. Time to live again. Time to thrive. To say goodbye. And he did.

The grand finale VA, Lumberjack displays Sproutfleck approaching Bumblestar and telling her about his desire to be medicine cat.Life is like a lumberjack, hitting a tree.
Chip, chop, chip chop, as focused as a bee.
Busy like a slave,
Staring into the unknown.
Feelings have now caved,
Nothing left but flesh and bone.
Green eyes stare into the darkness of the leaders den. A dense swallow. Claws dig into the earth. Nothing but confidence inside, and neutrality on the outside. His intense gaze like fire lights up the path to the future. A guiding lamp into the next step of his life. Never once did he expect to be standing here, about to say what he would. This had never been his goal. Something fierce had been his goal. But something had changed within him. A new angle, a new perspective. His clan needed him. Not how he expected. He hadn't expected to be needed in a den full of sharp smelling plants. Yet there was where he longed to be- why, he was unsure.Sucked away like a vampire,
Feeling hopeless and alone.
Atop the spire sits the jack,
As still as would a stone.
But across the seas of dark
Resides the sun of hope,
Awaiting one sole spark,
So he can find a way to cope.
The death of the medic had left the health of his home in his leaders paws, and it was wrong. She was a leader, not a healer. But he? He had a chance. A pull. A desire to assist where needed. A desire to fill a gap in a way that it wouldn't need to be filled again. He had learned now that you can't trust the most trustworthy to stay alive. Life cannot be kept by sheer will. Death is always unexpected. Always. All you can do is keep your wits, and pray to the stars you will find your purpose. The Bronze Knight had found his. His purpose was to fill in the gap left empty far too often. He had to fill the space. Had to last longer, had to bring order back. You couldn't trust anyone else to do their best but yourself. Another lesson learned. He could trust himself. The only cat he knew wouldn't abandon him. The only cat he knew could keep his promises. Because you can't control others. Can't control their nature. All you can control is yourself. All you can control is if you try, or don't. If you stable, or a mess. The Spotted feline knew he was stable. Knew he could control himself. He had to trust in himself to last longer, work harder, be stronger. And he did indeed.The search has ended, ring the bells!
The escape from pain has been found.
Take all the suffering straight to hell,
Keep it there, and make it bound.
My lumberjack, I know you fell,
But you found your hope, as would a hound.
And so, slow steps would bring him to the queen of the storm, eyes green as grass focused intently on her own. The time had come. His moment to speak, to tell his leader that his time had come. His purpose, his mission, had been discovered. Expression focused and intense, he spoke. His voice was honest, fearless, and determined."My Storm Queen, the time has come.
For you to see all I've done.
My work, my dreams, my truth is now.
My hope and purpose is exactly how.
Let me help my clan as I was destined,
I don't care how hard your expectations are pressed in.
My faith is here, as real as you,
Let me accomplish all I can, for its what I was born to do."

An Interview with Sproutfleck Himself!Hrf: Hello, Sproutfleck! My name is High Rank Finder and I'm going to interview you today for the rank of ThunderClan Medicine Cat!Sproutfleck: ...Hello, Hrf..? It seems you already know my name, heh, so I'm ready when you are!Hrf: First off, why do you want to be medicine cat?Sproutfleck: I have mixed feelings about it. But I will do whats best for my clan. I want to be medicine cat because you can't trust anyone but yourself to get the job done, stay alive, and keep yourself together under pressure. I have confidence that I can check all those boxes.Hrf: Hmm. And what makes you different than other applicants?Sproutfleck: Hrf, I'm not here today because I "Love plants and healing" really. I mean, that's a plus. I do want to keep the clan in good health. I'm here because I don't want the clan to be left off with an unfinished story. A medicine cat that can't stay in the starsforsaken clan. Stay to help, to make sure that we won't be without a medicine cat in the future. Be left as we are now. It wasn't Springlights fault. No, not in the least. But that doesn't change anything I said. I'm here to keep this Clan healthy and stable. Just "Liking Plants and Healing" doesn't make you anything close to a medicine cat. It just makes you a cat who likes plants and healing. I'm willing to do what has to be done for my clan, for better or for worse.Hrf: A solid answer. Next question, how active are you around the clan?Sproutfleck: I go out on patrols and volunteer as much as I can. I train two apprentices, one ready for warriorhood. I offer to help when needed. Does that answer your question?Hrf: Yes. How Trustworthy are you? How Authoritative would you say you are?Sproutfleck: I do my best to keep secrets and follow instructions from those above me. I try hard to not disappoint. !As for being authoritative, I do my best to treat everyone equally and if there's an issue I can potentially resolve I try my best to do so. If folks are causing problems within my range of assisting, I'm more than happy to solve them and remove the issue. And if there's something that must be brought to Bumblestar or Spiderthroat's attention, I report if need be.Hrf: Understood. It seems you already answered my next question about communication. Next, do you have any herbal knowledge?Sproutfleck: The bare minimum. Moss, cobwebs, poppy, and Marigold from herb patrols I've been put on. Borage too. But I can learn.Hrf: Lastly, what is in your comfort zone?Sproutfleck: Healing-wise? Well, I'm not a big fan of the whole... you know... "Birthing" thing, but I'll do what needs to be done. Being unable to save a ckanmate will be hard, but I'm okay with, if need be, putting them out of there misery. It'll hurt me, but it's better than them being miserable and dying slowly. Other than that I guess I'm fine with anything.Hrf: Alright, I'll pass the mic to your..l mean.. this cat named Blaze. Thank you for your time.Sproutfleck: You're welcome. Goodbye then.Interview with BlazeHrf: Hello, Blaze, I assume you already know who I am since you were writing sproutfleck. And... me too. But still. Are you ready?Blaze: Hello! Yep, I'm ready!Hrf: how active are you?Blaze: Very active! I get at Least 10 posts out a week. Sometimes I can get 4 out in one day! Maybe more! But it varies with how busy I am.Hrf: Sounds good. What's in your comfort zone roleplaying?Blaze: any non detailed descriptions of things are fine. Moderate descriptions are okay. Detailed descriptions of blood and wounds, or birthing, wouldn't need a Spoiler from me but a trigger warning or content warning would be very much appreciated.Hrf: How can you be reached?Blaze: many ways! Vm, pm, or discord all work for me! If it's super important I can be reached by my email, [email protected] although not preferred.Hrf: What are some ideas you have for medicine cat?Blaze: well, honestly Sproutfleck and I would be interested in perhaps having medicine cat meetings again!Hrf: Have you ever had a high rank before?Blaze: Wel... no. But I've applied 3 times counting this! And I've also recently achieved [no leak] for [no leak]! Basically like the [no leak]clan version of a hornet. That parts just to avert those eyes of the onlookers from my recent acheivement!Hrf: How active are you wil Sprout?Blaze: Very! He and Goldfish are my mains!Hrf: thank you, that's all for today.

Opinions Given by those who reviewed Sproutfleck!Sprouts in general is an amazing character. I love how Blaze writes him, how caring he is. He mentors cats extremely well, and I hope to see him as a High Rank one day!  ~ @isla, June 2024 COTMSproutfleck, where to begin? Sprout is such a cool n chill dude. Despite me not seeing much of him, I can get a general idea of how much of a cool cat he is (with terrible jokes as a bonus.) I can see that Blaze puts a lot of effort into him and it would be v cool if he became med cat!! ~ @Bean...Speaking of Sproutfleck, let’s actually pan over to him really quickly! I did steal him for a quick moment — he’s my former mentor after all… and perhaps, will soon be my mentor once more..?
...That’s enough about me for now, we are focusing on the one and only … Sproutfleck! Sproutfleck’s Restaurant and Cafe is one of the most exquisite in all of ThunderClan. It is a crime not to stop by and taste-test these absolutely divine delicacies. ~ @Rose [Kestrelpaw's Medicine Cat Apprentice Application]